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Pen |
Oblique Pen Set
Contains the necessary tools to accomplish Copperplate / Spencerian
Script. Has oblique penholder with four Hunt No. 101 and two
No. 103 pen points.
this Pen Set from our US advertiser MisterArt.com.
W. Goudy |
Gothic Volume
Copperplate Gothic was designed in 1901 by U.S. type designer
F.W. Goudy. The Linotype font family includes 9 styles.
Mac fonts and Windows fonts at fonts.com.
Calligraphy |
Pen Calligraphy Maxi Kit
kit contains three No-Nonsense calligraphy pens with cushioned
grips, one each broad, medium and fine nibs, 14 ink cartridges,
three reusable grids, step-by-step instructions and tracing
[read more]
Fonts.com |
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Downloads |
to typOasis
for some free script fonts. (pc, truetype) |
out the "wedding fonts" at Alexander Neuber's free-fonts.com
Swedish Copybook 1858 |
Copperplate Script from a Swedish
© Evan
Lindquist, Arkansas State University. |
A classic copperplate script style in every sense
of the word, perfect thickness of stroke and letter proportions set
it ahead of the crowd in this very competitive category. Initial capitals
provide an ornamental flourish and blend beautifully with the simple,
elegant lines of a lowercase that has been painstakingly prepared
to ensure free-flowing linkage. British designer Phill Grimshaw has
also included a selection of ending elements to give settings a special,
personalized appearance. |
An elegant, free-flowing copperplate script style
designed by renowned British designer Martin Wait. Generous initial
capitals complement the more restrained lower case letters that join
for balanced letter spacing in word settings. Excellent for certificates,
citations, diplomas and greeting card applications. |
ITC Edwardian
Script Regular
new typeface from the hand of Ed Benguiat. Great time and care went
into the design of ITC Edwardian Script. Not only did the delicate
and sophisticated letterforms have to be painstakingly drawn and redrawn,
the connections of the letters had to be drafted so they created perfect
junctures between letters. In addition, Benguiat rendered a series
of "baroque" alternate capitals for those occasions when "merely beautiful"
is not enough. ITC Edwardian Script is available in regular and bold
weights. Special baroque capitals have also been designed and included
as alternates to the standard design. |
ITC Edwardian
Script Bold
by Ed Benguiat. ITC Edwardian Script is available in regular and bold
weights. Special baroque capitals have also been designed and included
as alternates to the standard design. |
Young Baroque
This elegant copperplate typeface is somewhat different
from others in the script category due to its slightly condensed lowercase
letterforms. With its beautiful, free flowing initial capitals and
stunning array of lowercase alternatives, Young Baroque looks magnificent
in word settings and is ideally suited for diplomas and citations.
Created by the American west coast designer Doyald Young. |
Standard Zanerian
Engrosser's Script
This is not a font. This
beautiful script was hand written by US Master Penman E.A. Lupfer.
wrote »Lessons in Roundhand or Engrosser's script« in
»The Zanerian Manual of
Alphabets and Engrossing« one
of the best instructional books for Copperplate calligraphy ever published.
is Copperplate? |
English round hand, in calligraphy, dominant style among 18th-century
writing masters, whose copybooks were splendidly printed from models
engraved on copper. The alphabet was fundamentally uncomplicated,
but the basic strokes were often concealed in luxuriant flourishing.«
the complete Encyclopædia
Britannica Article] |
in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Renaissance books calligraphy was printed from woodblocks, but in
the 17th century wood was replaced by copperplates. These engravings
resulted in much finer lines and increasingly elaborate writing books.
One of the finest calligraphic artists was Jan van de Velde of Holland.
Maria Strick of Rotterdam and Ester Inglis of Scotland were 17th-century
professional calligraphers. In England, Edward Cocker, Charles Snell,
and John Clark and other calligraphers in France and Spain spread
the new copperplate styles. In the 18th century, The
Universal Penman (1733-1741), by the English calligrapher George Bickham,
appealed to businessmen, administrators, and schoolmasters. Calligraphic
scripts continued to serve as models for type designs. For the businessman
and student it was not easy to attain the perfection of the engraved
scripts with the use of quill pens. To speed up writing, the pen was
held at a far steeper angle, hairlines were thin, and curves and downstrokes
swelled with pressure from the hand. As commerce took over, penmanship
[From the
article »Calligraphy«
Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2001 http://encarta.msn.com
©1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ©1993-2001
Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.] |
Fonts |
Value Pack |
Value Pack
at fonts.com includes Citadel Script, Mahogany Script, French
Script, Young Baroque and Helinda Rook. Script typefaces enhance
the written word. They are emotional, lyrical, even passionate
communicators. Scripts have a soul, and a heart. And beautiful,
free flowing scripts are the hallmark of this font pack. These
fonts are as natural for a wedding as rice or champagne.
Download at fonts.com |
Wedding Dingbat Font |
Wedding Clip Art |